"Lights Out Elm Grove" Will Help Migrating Birds
Spring signals the welcome return of our feathered friends as they migrate north to their nesting grounds. Elm Grove is both a destination and important way station for migrating birds. Our woodland neighborhoods and abundant backyard feeders provide food and rest, and the pond at Village Park is an important stop-over for many different species of waterfowl.
Many birds do their migratory flying at night, when the winds are calm and the threat from predators is less. Traveling at night can be hazardous, however. The bright lights of an urban area can cause birds to become easily disoriented, resulting in deadly collisions with buildings and other structures. It is estimated that hundreds of millions of birds are killed each year in North America due to light disorientation.
To help birds navigate safely through our community each spring (and fall!), Birders of the Grove is introducing “Lights Out Elm Grove”. This voluntary program encourages residents and businesses to dim or turn off non-essential outdoor lights during the peak migration period of April 15th to May 15th in spring and August 31st to October 15th in fall. During this 4 week period, homeowners and businesses can minimize outdoor lighting by doing the following:
- Turn off exterior decorative lighting
- Extinguish spot and flood-lights
- Turn off interior lighting on higher stories
- Down-shield exterior lighting to eliminate horizontal glare and avoid all lighting directed upward
- Install automatic motion sensors and controls wherever possible
- When converting to new lighting, assess the quality and quantity of light needed. Avoid over-lighting with newer, brighter technology.
“Lights Out” is an Audubon national effort to protect migratory birds. Many communities, particularly those along migratory flyways, have adopted the program. Please consider participating in our “Lights Out” initiative. Whether Elm Grove is a final destination or a respite stop on a continuing northbound or southbound journey, our little friends deserve safe travels.
Sign On: Join Lights Out by filling out the participation form below!
Lights Out Elm Grove participation form