2024 - Elm Grove Birdathon (May 11th)

A bobolink perched on a thin branch

The Bobolink is the Birdathon 2024 Bird of the Year. Typically found in grasslands, this species is at risk in Wisconsin due to declining habitat. Photo by Andy Raupp.

Elm Grove’s annual “Great Wisconsin Birdathon” will take place on May 11th at 10 AM in Village Park.  Birders of the Grove members will lead a one-hour walk around the park to identify and count birds.  The event will also celebrate World Migratory Bird Day.

Birdathon is Wisconsin’s largest fundraiser for bird conservation. It’s like a walk-a-thon style fundraiser, but instead of logging miles, participants log bird sightings.  

Bird enthusiasts are invited to join the walk and/or donate online at wibirdathon.org.  Be sure to indicate your donation supports the “Birders of the Grove” team.  A donation check can also be mailed to:  National Resources Foundation of WI;  211 S. Paterson St. Suite 100; Madison, WI  53703; Attn: Birdathon.  Mail-in donation forms are available in the library lobby.   

As a Wisconsin Bird City, Elm Grove will receive half the funds collected for our own community’s bird protection and conservation efforts.  So, bring binoculars and enjoy some bird-watching fun on May 11th to support birds in our village! 

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